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The new chipper

It looks like a toy, but the Tomcat 100 CDT is far from the toy performance you might expect from a machine of this size. It's design and build quality rivals well known chipper manufactures whilst being possibly one of the most maneuverable on the market. Of course, it's not going to process material as quickly as a larger machine, but limited access jobs can be tackled with a different approach.

A good example is a pruning job I recently completed. The Jacaranda was in a rear yard with only personnel access via side gate or through the garage. Most of the branches were cut with a handsaw and processed just meters from where they landed.

The circumstances meant the approach to this job worked well. The tree was in the rear yard, the drag out was uphill through a gate and the mulch could be spread on site.

If there were 3 groundies, I think they could have dragged the brush out the front and processed it with a bigger machine in the same time, but thats 4 staff and the whole property to rake after the dragging is done, plus the running costs of larger equipment.

The most common way of processing tree branches can take longer than the cutting itself. Although the Tomcat 100 CDT won't do everything, it can provide a more efficient option when access for larger equipment is limited.

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